Tuesday 16 June 2009

For Today

I thought i would do another music post as i haven't been as
faithful to stay true to the original theme of this blog. Forgive

"For Today" is a Christian Metal/Hardcore band from Sioux
City, Iowa. Their sound is a blend of good solid 2 steps, harsh
breakdowns, and well written shredding guitar parts.
I just got my hands on their newest Album "Portraits" and
i'm highly impressed by their use pop sense, all the while staying
ever true to Metal.

The most impressive thing about this band is their powerful
lyrics addressing the last days, the fall of man, Redemption
through Jesus Christ and so on.
My favorite song is one called "Joel (the watchman)" which is
themed around the coming judgment of America and the final call
to return to the light. Some of the lyrics are:

"America, you will be judged, but His people will be restored.
Fall to your knees but there is life at at the throne of God You
will be judged. Seek your mercy now, while it may still be found."

Good Stuff! If you like 2 stepin', if you like brutal breakdowns,
if you like fast shredding, if you don't like a single clean vocal, then
this is the band for you.....enjoy!


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