Thursday 26 February 2009

For your information...

A Breakdown:

Used in various genres of heavy metal, especially in metalcore, a breakdown consists of slowing a song down to give the guitars room to play a set of rhythmically oriented riffs. The drummer accents the riffs with the double kick bass drum. Vocalists many time use a single, repeated statement throughout the breakdown.


Well, I'm still alive and back at home in Texas. I'm pretty happy due to the fact that I won't be going back to the hell hole that is commonly known as "Memphis". God in his wisdom has seen fit to rescue me.....YAY!

The music is drawing ever near so please keep us in your prayers as we continue to write and compose. We should be ready to conquer the world by April, so get ready!

Our home is doing very well. It's been hard to get things organized and running well, but now that the main work push is nearing it's end and we have the bulk of our team in Texas, things are coming together. The Lord has been doing some amazing miracles financially and otherwise, and I can't wait to see what else he has up his sleeve.

That's it for now, I'll post some pix asap. I miss you guys!!

Monday 9 February 2009

I like this song


...HURTS!!! But it was worth it. Dan and I went to see Mychildren Mybride, The Human Abstract, Protest the hero, and AS I LAY DYING the other night and our lives were changed forever. We set up a tripod and a video camera so we got some amazing shots. I'm going to post them right here on my blog so you too can experience what we did.

As i lay dying was so good, tight as tiger. I stood directly in front of Phil (guitarist) for the first two songs, "nothing left" and "An ocean Between us", but as soon as they started playing "Forever" i tore my way though to the circle pit. My neck hurt so bad already from watching Mychildren Mybride that i couldn't go on much longer, so i finished the show sitting down in a spot where i could hear both guitars do harmonies and stuff (except for when they played "darkest nights", i went up to the front for that one).

The song list was:

Nothing Left
An Ocean Between us
Through Struggle
within destruction
The Darkest nights
Meaning in tragedy
I never wanted
The sound of truth
94 hours

The last 2 were an encore, i left the main hall because i thought the show was over but they got back on stage and started playing 94 hours so i ran like the wind to the circle pit.

Mychildren Mybride were also very good, darn near stole the show. They have some crazy slow breakdowns and plenty of two steppin' fun. I was up front the whole time screaming their songs at the top of my lungs, good times. Here are a few pix. Video on the way.

Thursday 5 February 2009

Tuesday 3 February 2009

In case anyone is wondering....

I'm still alive and well in good old Memphis town. It should be another month or so before we are done and ready to begin work on the music, keep us in your prayers...

On the the up side, John Paone, a good buddy (and former "possible" brother in law) came to visit and will be here for a couple weeks. Should be fun!

And......Dan and I are going to see these guys live this Jealous!

AS I LAY DYING (for those who don't recognize them)